Michael Jackson's Nose!

G'day, this is Steve the news guy bringing you sad news you've probably already heard... Michael Jackson is dead!

As a tribute here's a link to a site that shows Michael's transformation from handsome young black man into frightening, ugly white man.


A real shame about Michael, but at least we have his music and his strange antics to keep us amused for many years to come.

Peace Out.


Fat Camp Win

01/06/09: 106kg, 09/06/09: 105.1kg.

Total weight loss to date: 34.9kg
Weapon of choice: Subway diet.

Fat Camp Fail

18/04/09: 105.4kg, 01/06/09: 106kg.
Bugger. I feel like this little guy....

Listen to the latest fat camp here: http://www.nowfm.com.au/stuff/fatcamp.mp3