Jeremy Clarkson got more than he bargained for when mingling with the audience of Top Gear Live at Sydney's Acer Arena on Saturday night.
The BBC personality had just completed the usual tour-of-abuse, targeting the fat, ginger or generally Camry-having clientele amongst the VIP seated guests when a drunk fan approached him and refused to return to his seat. The exchange revolved around the man wanting some time with the star, and the possibility of friendship. After some muffled pawing of the microphone and several polite dissuasion's from Jezza, and one member of the audience who cried out "sit down, you're embarrassing my country!" Jeremy resorted to headbutting the man in the chest, as a comical means of reclining him.
The star-struck drunkard did at least 'cop a feel' of the TV millionaires famous pubey and weather-beaten head, an intrusion Jeremy seemed to take in his stride. The man was escorted from the show by security staff, accompanied by applause and laughter form the 7000 strong audience.
Pic 2009 SMH
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